cloning the A/UX root partition

Tasuki Hirata sukes at
Thu Apr 11 05:45:42 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr10.025055.1029 at> steveg at (Steve Green) writes:
>In article <6962 at> dejesus at (Francisco X DeJesus) writes:
>>    Is there any program out there (preferably under MacOS) that can do an
>>image copy of an entire SCSI partition, from one drive to another?
>Yes.. you can use dd.  Although I have never done it from sash, sash does have
>dd and thus.. why wouldn't it work.. :)
>Just make sure all of your drives are low level formatted and type this from
>	dd if=/dev/dsk/cxd0s31 of=/dev/dsk/cyd0s31 bs=512k
>where x is the source scsi id and y is the destination scsi id.
>As far as I remember, this copies the entire deal.. MacOS, p-map, eschatology,
>UNIX, etc.. so after that, you should be good to go..

Just remember when using dd, the source disk and the destination
disk has be the same model hard disk or the image will not work.

| Tasuki Hirata (sukes at | - This page intentionally left blank - |
| UUCP: uunet!!sukes     | 					     |

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