SCSI tape backup installation

Matthias Urlichs urlichs at
Wed Apr 3 07:32:25 AEST 1991

In comp.unix.aux, article <1991Apr2.142334.12722 at>,
  jtalley at (James T Talley) writes:
< I'm looking for information on tape backup systems.  I bought a
< Fastback FB120 (QIC-128, 3M MCD/II).  I bought it because it was
< a good price, satisfied my storage needs and because it was
< reviewed as being "A/UX compatible".
Unfortunately, you need a driver for this.

If you have or can get a data sheet for the drive and can answer some
more-or-less stupid questions, it's easy (given source code) to extend the tc
Said source code is available on the A/UX device driver development disks.
Available from APDA, though I don't know if 2.0.1 is already available -- the
January APDAlog says it isn't. (I could get by without the documentation;
Apple: can't you make the disks available for FTP or something?)

<  A call (and email) to Fifth Generation Systems has not
< produced any more information (They say it should work fine if I
< use the Mac OS backup software, but I can't see leaving the

That's only true if you shutdown A/UX and backup your partitions whole.
This is not a solution, it's several additional big problems like, what if
you only want one corrupted file? What if your HD crashes and you'll have to
get by with a smaller disk?

< If the FB120 cannot be installed on an A/UX system
It can. Given the appropriate drivers; either see above or kick FWB some
more. If they say "A/UX compatible" then not having an A/UX driver means that
either the revier, or the FWB people, or both, didn't know zilch about A/UX.

Matthias Urlichs -- urlichs at -- urlichs at     /(o\
Humboldtstrasse 7 - 7500 Karlsruhe 1 - FRG -- +49-721-621127(0700-2330)   \o)/

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