lpr, A/UX, and networks

Grant Balkema grant at g73.UUCP
Thu Apr 4 08:13:33 AEST 1991

Ok, I feel somewhat justified in asking this question, because I spent
some time searching the back archives (BTW the Sep90 is screwed up, # 284 I
believe). Well, is it possible to have a MACIIci A/UX 2.0 talk localtalk
to a LaserPlus and run a nfs kernel LAN (tcp/ip) to a SUN MicroVax etc.
The SUN and other UNIX boxes printcaps's remote printers all point at the
AUX machine, thus their lpr's deliver their jobs to the AUX machine, the
AUX machine delivers its jobs to its lpr and the localtalk laser, and the
MAC app's deliver their jobs to localtalk laser. Does this make sense? If
somebody would tell me that its possible to do I might be able to figure
it out, but right now it doesn't work and  don't know if its possible.
grant at darkstar.bc.edu


		grant at darkstar.bc.edu		(617) 552-8722

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