talk not working

Marcelo Gallardo marcelo at deadzone.uucp
Tue Apr 23 14:43:56 AEST 1991

	I've got a problem that seems to have popped up after moving to
	2.0.1. When I try to "talk" to anyone connected to my machine,
	talk gives me a strange error message...

	[deadzone]/usr/users/marcelo % talk root
	This machine doesn't exist. Boy, am I confused!

	I don't have an ethernet card, but I have configured both bnet
	and nfs. Anyone know why I'm getting this error? To quote a
	silly error "Boy, am I confused!"

Marcelo Gallardo			marcelo%deadzone at
Test and Evaluation Specialist		...!princeton!deadzone!marcelo
Princeton University			marcelo at
Advanced Technologies and Applications		(609) 258-5661

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