Multiple Mac Partitions under AUX

Alexis Rosen alexis at panix.uucp
Sat Apr 27 17:04:05 AEST 1991

lamarche at (Louis Lamarche) writes:
>I have formated a 650M Dynatek drive with the "50% A/UX, 50% MacOS" model with
>Silverlining. This gives 9 partitions. Using "dp" I get
> [...]
>Now, you must link the physical partition on the disk to a disk devices
>pname -a -c2 -d0 -s1 "Unreserved 1"
>this will create /etc/ptab making the link "Unreserved 1" <-> /dev/dsk/c2d0s1

This will work but you're better off using slice 3 (and then 4 if you need
another). This is because slice 1 is usually a Swap partition. I don't _think_
you're actually risking anything here, but I wouldn't chance it. The MacOS
startup shell is badly broken in this respect, and I don't trust it not to
do funny things to any slice 1 it happens to meet.

Alexis Rosen
Owner/Sysadmin, PANIX Public Access Unix, NY

ps- I'm off to Europe for three weeks. Anyone sending me mail won't get an
answer until after May 20...

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