"movem.l" in AU/X's "as"

Darrell Schiebel schiebel at cs.wvu.wvnet.edu
Fri Apr 19 13:24:15 AEST 1991

The assembly mnemonic in the "as" assembler with A/UX has the 
following syntax:

		movem.l EA, &I		or
		movem.l &I, EA

The only information for this instruction sayes:

"The immediate operand is a mask designating which registers are to be moved
to memory, or which are to receive memory data. Not all addressing modes are
permitted, and the correspondence between mask bits and register numbers
depends on the addressing mode."

I can find no information about what the mask looks like. The code I'm
tring to port is in HP/UX format:

	movem.l %d6-%d7/%a0-%a4,8(%a5)

I'd really appreciate it if someone could give me some pointers.

						Darrell Schiebel

						(schiebel at a.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu)
						(drs at baks.bell-atl.com)

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