Need HELP with changing network address !

Gray Abbott gda at creare.UUCP
Wed Apr 24 13:43:28 AEST 1991

Our local network just switched to a real Internet address, so
I had to reconfigure my MacIIfx (AUX 2.0) to use the new address.  I
removed /etc/HOSTNAME and /etc/NETADDRS and ran "newconfig nfs",
gave it my new address, and rebooted.  I changed /etc/hosts to use
the new addresses.  Then I tried to "ping" myself, BY NAME, and got

	sendto: Network is unreachable

When I "ping" myself BY ADDRESS, it works fine.  I can also "ping"
other machines on the network BY ADDRESS but not BY NAME.

What's wrong?

This is serious trouble, as most of my work is done on other machines,
using the Mac as an X terminal.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

				    Gray Abbott
				    Creare, Inc.

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