Accessing mac files under CommandShell

Bruce Barnett barnett at
Wed Apr 17 06:39:43 AEST 1991

rprohask at (Robert Prohaska) writes:

>I'm out of luck.

lantz at Apple.COM (Bob Lantz) writes:
>Yes, you are.

rmtodd at servalan.uucp (Richard Todd) writes:
>In short, you're outa luck.  

Gee, with the great development environment the Mac has, I would think
*SOMEONE* could write a simple Unix shell program to copy a file from the Mac
file system to the Unix file system, and vice versa.

I guess this is too complicated a task for all you Mac gurus.

If someone wants to prove me wrong, why go right ahead! I won't mind
at all! :-)
Bruce G. Barnett	barnett at	uunet!crdgw1!barnett

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