NTP implementation issues

maples at ddtisvr maples at ddtisvr
Sat Apr 6 10:45:53 AEST 1991

We've just finished putting NTP on our central server and a few
testbed A/UX systems, and a few questions have come up...

1) Why aren't we seeing the famed 'clock instability' on 2.0?
   Isn't 2.0's clock supposed to be hosed up?

2) Why am I not seeing the 'ntp.drift' file being updated over time?
   I thought this file was critical to sustained reliability.

3) Has anybody else gotten NTP up on a 2.0.1 system?
   What differences exist between the 2.0 behavior and 2.0.1?

Thanks in advance for your help...

Greg Maples                      | These are my opinions, not yours. Keep your
Systems Group Leader             | hands off 'em. They're also not the opinions
DuPont Design Technologies       | of my employer or yours. So there. (c) 1990
maples%ddtisvr at uunet.uu.net      | The preceding is an opinion which is mine.

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