cloning the A/UX root partition

Steve Green steveg at
Sat Apr 20 13:40:11 AEST 1991

In article <13099 at goofy.Apple.COM> ksand at Apple.COM (Kent Sandvik) writes:
>In article <21474 at> chn at (Charles Neil) writes:
>>In article <1991Apr10.194542.23087 at>, sukes at (Tasuki Hirata) writes:
>> > In article <1991Apr10.025055.1029 at> steveg at (Steve Green) writes:
>> > Just remember when using dd, the source disk and the destination
>> > disk has be the same model hard disk or the image will not work.
>>This is false.
>Well, my $0.02. It's true and false, true in many cases, but there
>are false cases as well. Feel free to find them :-).

I am pretty sure that it was not me that said the original text but in any
event, I have enclosed a small algorithm for determining if dd will copy
AUX correctly.

-- cut here --
	1.  Try it
	2.  If it works, then it will work.
	3.  If if fails, then it wont work.
-- cut here --

But seriously though, it stands to reason that if the destination disk is
smaller than the origianl, things may get a little ugly.  Other than that,
the odds are that things will work but you may lose access to some of the 
disk since the p-map is copied as well.

Silica gel -- Do not eat.				steveg at

Disclaimer:  If anything I said above is incorrect, never mind.

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