A/UX and System 7

Kent Sandvik, 120dB or more ksand at Apple.COM
Fri Apr 26 11:31:08 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr24.111305.454 at skbat.csc.ti.com> dittman at skbat.csc.ti.com (Eric Dittman) writes:

>Kent, here's a related question:  Will we be able to launch A/UX from
>System 7.0 any time soon?

Eh, well... The sash needs a certain area of the memory reserved for 
the tools ported/compiled with the cc compiler under A/UX, which as 
a typical UNIX compiler produces memory location dependent code.

The dangerous area where the tools want to live starts from 0x9FC00 (or
about 639k for us decimal junkies). If any inits or other utilities
increase the system heap space above this line, then sash and the
tools will complain.

Yes, we are aware of this problem, it should be fixed with any of the
next major sash or A/UX releases hopefully.

Kent, the Persistent Friendly Object from Mars

Kent Sandvik, DTS junkie

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