Minor problems with ELM and A/UX

Jim Jagielski jim at jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov
Mon Apr 15 22:50:22 AEST 1991

In article <51509 at apple.Apple.COM> mgchow at Apple.COM (Mike Chow) writes:
}In article <23930 at memqa.uucp> qfhca81 at memqa.uucp (Henry Melton) writes:
}>> Just as a wild guess, perhaps ELM is getting confused about signal handling
}>> because of the SysV semantics being enabled by default.  Try sticking a 
}>> call to set42sig() somewhere in the main() function and see if that helps.
}>> I've found that's helped other programs that die strangely of "Alarm Clock",
}>> and other programs as well -- as I recall, Epoch didn't work worth a damn
}>> until I put the set42sig() in...
}>> --
}>> Richard Todd	rmtodd at uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu  rmtodd at chinet.chi.il.us
}>> 	rmtodd at servalan.uucp
}>> "Elvis has left Bettendorf!"
}>Great info!  set42sig let me compile oneko.  Keep these tips coming.
}I THINK the "-ZB" flag to the A/UX C compiler will implicitly set up BSD
}signal semantics and BSD defines, so one might want to try this flag when
}compiling BSD sources for A/UX.

Now I don't know about 2.0.1, but for 2.0 and previous, even with -lbsd and
-ZB you STILL had to add the set42sig() call... it didn't "do it" for you :(

#include <std/disclaimer.h>
           Jim Jagielski                    NASA/GSFC, Code 711.1
     jim at jagubox.gsfc.nasa.gov               Greenbelt, MD 20771

 "I object to all this sex on the television. I mean, I keep falling off!"

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