68040 server mention in UnixWorld

Evan Torrie torrie at cs.stanford.edu
Tue Apr 30 17:14:41 AEST 1991

dittman at skbat.csc.ti.com (Eric Dittman) writes:

>In the May 1991 UnixWorld review of A/UX 2.0.1 on a Macintosh IIfx I
>noticed the following sentence:  "What's more, Apple is likely to
>introduce a 68040 Mac given it has already announced a 68040 server."

>I don't remember hearing a product announcement for any 68040-based
>systems from Apple.  Did UnixWorld make this up, or did I miss the

  UnixWorld made it up, as they do with a lot of their other
"inaccuracies"...  like HP's new 400 series, which use Intel's [sic]
68040 processor.

Evan Torrie.  Stanford University, Class of 199?       torrie at cs.stanford.edu   
"And remember, whatever you do, DON'T MENTION THE WAR!"

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