Screen dies when mouse goes off screen

Roger Linder roger at
Tue Apr 16 05:10:15 AEST 1991

First a disclaimer:

I have not followed this group for any substantial period of time.
I am helping an A/UX user, and do not have an A/UX system of my own.
I'm an A/UX user wannabe.
I can provide more inforamtion, if requested, and may supply more as I
begin to better understand the problem.
I am posting without all information at my fingertips, but want to get a
query out quickly.

That said...

When the mouse is moved off of the lower right corner of a 19" screen the
screen blanks, with only the "apple" logo showing.  Clicking around the screen
will activate appropriate stuff, and the keyboard is active, but nothing is
shown on the screen. A restart appears to be the only way out.

This is a A/UX 2.0 installation on a IIx.


1) Has anyone else seen this problem?  Is it fixable?
2) What other information would be useful to better describe the problem
   or environment?

Thanks... Roger
+--Roger D. Linder-(Yes, the famous one)-----v Department of Water Resources  |
|                                            | roger at             |
|  Only Golden Fingers Could Play So Heavy   | Sacratomato, CA                |

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