Hard Disk problems

Calvin Cheng calvinc at sandstorm.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Apr 1 08:58:43 AEST 1991

I have been encountering 2 big problems with A/Ux which I haven't been able
to solve.

Firstly, I can only logged on under the Mac-24/32 environments from the root
and not from any other account.  When I attempt to do that, the Finder complains
about the volume "/" requiring minor repairs.  I have clicked on both Ok
and Cancel buttons but I am still forced to log out or restart.  The strange
thing is that I am using the same System Folder from these accounts as the
root.  Why does it work with the root and not the other accounts?  I have
been messing around a little with the "/" volume but if it works for root, it
should work for the rest.

Next, I have A/Ux installed on the 105MB Quantum using partitions created by
Silverlining 5.27.  My other hard disk is a 40MB Sony which I have installed
with the TPI Manager program from Total Peripherals with only MacOS files.
A/Ux refuses to recognize the volume (doesn't show up under the Finder) whereas
the 5MB partition on the 105MB Quantum shows up as do floppy disks inserted
into the FDHD.  The guys at Total Peripherals dont seem to be too helpful.
I have very sketchy information about how the TPI driver works.  It could be
that the partitioning table was not set up correctly to indicate all the info
that A/Ux needs or that the driver software is not compatible with A/Ux.  The
best answer I get is to reformat the hard disk using Silverlining.  Is there
a better way that doesn't require backing up my hard disk (almost full) and
then restoring it again especially in the absence of software that lets me
fiddle with the partitioning table etc.


Calvin Cheng
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