A/UX 2.0 and SLIP?
Paul Dumais
dumais at mauxci.uucp
Thu Feb 14 07:05:03 AEST 1991
In article <1678 at public.BTR.COM> pke at public.BTR.COM (Peter Espen pke at btr.com) writes:
> Can anyone who is using SLIP successfully under A/UX 2.0
>please send me a short reply that summarizes how well it is
>working and any modifications that were needed to get it to work.
I have recently demonstrated SL/IP connectivity between two Macintosh's running
A/UX 2.0. The setup is quite easy and the performance is good. I can't compare
it to anything else because I have never been able to get slip up on any other
machine. The Administrator Guide has some errors in it, but they are so obvious
that you should be able to make the corrections easily. For the correct info
you should look at the man pages.
I followed these steps:
Read Chapter 2 of the A/UX Network System Administration manual. Pay attention
to pages 18-21.
Edit (create) /etc/slip.config to contain a line for each serial port that
you wish to allow SL/IP clients to use. That is, the number of lines in the
/etc/slip.config file will determine how many concurrent SL/IP sessions your
machine will allow.
I only wanted one port.
# slip.config configuration file
# Each line configures a serial line
The problem with the Administration guide is that it shows two different IP
addresses for the same machine. That was confusing for me so I used "man
slip.config". The example there made perfect sense.
Next, add any SL/IP clients to the /etc/hosts file. Make sure you have the
server machine in the /etc/hosts file as well. loop lo loo localhost
. mauxci #SL/IP Server bartdude #SL/IP Client
Edit (create) /etc/slip.hosts with a user name for each SL/IP client.
#dialup slip.hosts table
# maps user names to host address
# bartdude dumais
The Administration manual was buggered here as well. The man pages were correct.
Now I ran the "mkslipuser" command to build the /etc/slip.user file. The new
file is not ascii so use "dslipuser" to extract the information from it.
# mkslipuser
# dslipuser
No dialup SLIP users connected.
(1 free line)
You need a "networking kernel" to run slip. The "newconfig" command is the new
combination of "newunix" and "autoconfig".
# /etc/newconfig bnet slip
[system messages]
If the newconfig process does not prompt you for a hostname, domainname, IP
address, broadcast address and netmask (mine didn't, but I already had it), then
you will have to edit these files to set up the system.
# cat /etc/HOSTNAME
#_hostname_ _domainname_
mauxci localdomain
# cat /etc/NETADDRS
#0 _IP_address_ _broadcast_addr_ _netmask_
The _something_ stuff I added here for explanation. The actual files probably
should not have that junk in them.
Reboot your system to get the new kernel loaded and you are a SL/IP server!
SL/IP client stuff is covered in the A/UX Communications User's Guide. Go to
chapter 6, "Using slip". The information there seems to be correct.
Invoking slip:
I used "cu" to connect to the remote host.
# cu -l/dev/tty0 -s9600 5551212
Once logged in (as bartdude or dumais) I invoked /etc/slip.
$ /etc/slip
Attaching bartdude ( to network via mauxci (
Now you have to get back to your client machine without breaking the connection
to the server. Once you are back on the client you must start /etc/slattconf
to complete the slip connection. "dslipuser" will show the status of all
slip connections.
$ ~[bartdude]!
# /etc/slattconf tty0 9600
# dslipuser
User dumais connected as bartdude ( via sl0
(0 free lines)
To quit slip the manaual says to use "ps -ef" to find the PID of the slttconf
process and "kill -1 PID". In practice that leaves the /etc/slip process
hanging on the server. I may have a modem problem but I don't have this problem
with UUCP.
I hope that this helps. If I have made any errors I'm sure someone will point
them out to the Net. :-)
. Paul E. Dumais A/UX Specialist Apple Canada, Inc. .
. Internet: dumais at apple.com 7495 Birchmount Rd. .
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