Racal InterLan ethernet card
E. Neely Atkinson
an12365 at bmaux1.mda.uth.tmc.edu
Fri Jun 14 01:53:43 AEST 1991
I have just switched from an Asante ethernet card to a Racal InterLan
NIA 310. I am running AUX 2.01 on a Mac IIFX. I have lost all my
Appletalk connections. NFS and TCP/IP work fine. When I check
/etc/appletalk, I find interface = localtalk0. When I edit this to
ethertalk0 and reboot, it changes back to localtalk0. I suspect I don't
have the right code for the device; I am using ethernet = ri6. Has
anyone had any experience with this card?
E. Neely Atkinson
an12365 at bmaux1.mda.uth.tmc.edu
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