loopy sendmail

Alexis Rosen alexis at panix.uucp
Tue Jun 4 14:57:22 AEST 1991

mann at intacc.uucp (Jeff Mann) writes:
>My sendmail's gone loopy - no matter what I do, I can't get it to put
>the right hostname in mail headers. It's supposed to be intacc, but now
>it says "loop".  I'm not sure what it was that I did to cause this; I

I believe your problem is that you did the right things in the wrong order.
The "loop" is coming from your /etc/hosts.

>did a bunch of things - upgraded to 2.0.1, rebuilt the kernel with a new
>driver, removed networking support from the kernel, changed sendmail.cf,
>etc., that could have influenced it, I guess.
>To try and fix this:
>-I reinstalled networking support in the kernel
>-I reinstalled Alexis' sendmail.cf and did a sendmail -bz. I haven't changed
>anything except the smart-host. This worked for me before.
>-/etc/HOSTNAME contains: intacc  uucp
>-/etc/hostname reports intacc
>-uuname -l reports intacc
>-/etc/hosts contains: 0x7F.0x00.0x00.0x01 loop lo loo intacc
> (I tried putting intacc first, but it didn't make any difference)
>-gethostname(2) reports intacc
>So why does sendmail think the hostname is loop?

Because, I think, you froze your sendmail.cf at the wrong time. Putting
intacc first is right, but you didn't refreeze afterwards, did you?

So put intacc first in /etc/hosts, then do /usr/lib/sendmail -bz. That
should do it.

BTW, "hostname" is different and it doesn't affect this part of sendmail
as far as I know.

Alexis Rosen
Owner/Sysadmin, PANIX Public Access Unix

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