Phase 1 Ethertalk with A/UX

Rolfe Tessem rolfe at w3vh.UUCP
Tue Jun 25 23:14:16 AEST 1991

This may border on a FAQ, but I haven't seen it answered in the couple of months 
I've been reading this group.  I just brought up A/UX 2.01 on a machine that
shares a small ethernet with other Macs running Mac OS and Ethertalk phase 1
drivers.  I assume the 2.01 installation must have defaulted to phase 2, since
I can't see any of my Appletalk devices or even zones.  So the $64,000 question is:

	How do I get A/UX to run phase 1?


Rolfe Tessem        | Lucky Duck Productions
rolfe at w3vh.UUCP	    | 17 Saint Luke's Place
{uunet}!w3vh!rolfe  | New York, NY 10014
(413) 528-5966	    | (212) 463-0029

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