SE/30 with Xceed card

blitz at esd91.shr.dec.comMartinBlitz blitz at esd91.shr.dec.comMartinBlitz
Sat Jun 8 08:55:53 AEST 1991

In article <14016 at pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> calvinc at vodka.uucp (Calvin Cheng)
>I'm thinking of getting the Micron Xceed 8-bit video card to be used
>on my SE/30 under A/Ux.  I have heard from somebody that A/Ux
>may have problems working with such a configuration.  Any comments?
>Furthermore, since I'm low on cash, I need to save as much money
>as possible.  I'd like to hear about suggestions on cheap matchups
>like cheaper monitors and alternative video boards.
>Calvin Cheng

I'm running A/UX 2.0.1 on an SE/30 with a Micron 1024x768 card and an NEC
MultiSync 5D right now, and am having no problems.  I've never had a
compatability problem with my Micron card under A/UX or MacOS System 6.0.x
or 7.0


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