uuxqt and remote mail

Jan Purchase J.Purchase at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Sat Jun 22 03:56:04 AEST 1991


Thanks for your reply. 

>  ...to be honest, I'm not sure that USERFILE works exactly the way it should.

Agreed! I think there is something very screwy with
/usr/lib/uucp/USERFILE and the documentation related to it; the
Network admin guide implies that for my setup the file should contain:

	umickey,mickey	/usr/spool/uucppublic

but as I explained, uuxqt was refusing to remotely execute *any*
command which had a standard input or output (as specified by the I
and O x-file directives) other than /dev/null. Eventually, I
discovered that this was because the USERFILE syntax should have been:

	umickey , mickey  /usr/spool/uucppublic

by introducing two spaces in the USERFILE, I fixed the problem! The
network admin manual was wrong! It is also wrong about the format of
the conversation count file /usr/lib/uucp/SQFILE. Setting it up as
suggested (both machines put each others names into an otherwise blank
SQFILE) does not work, uucico transactions fail with BAD SEQ errors.
For example:
   1 mickey!uucp (6/20-14:30:55) (C,26682,0) HANDSHAKE FAILED (BAD SEQ)

Any idea what the correct setup for SQFILE is?

Anyway - thanks again for your reply.

>   Alexis Rosen, long-suffering UUCP hack :-)
my sympathies!


Jan Purchase

J.Purchase at cs.ucl.ac.uk

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