changing timezones in 2.0

Paul Dumais dumais at mauxci.uucp
Wed Mar 6 14:41:04 AEST 1991

In article <HEMSTREE.91Feb28200112 at> hemstree at (Charles H. Hemstreet IV) writes:
>Ok, here's another good one.  I want to change the timezone of our
>machine from PST to MST.  I have tried the man pages, but they don't
>talk about timezones at all.  Anyone know how to do this?  Should I
>just move to the pacific coast?  
>! Charles H. Hemstreet IV   ! internet: hemstree at greyrock.MSO.ColoState.Edu !
>! Colorado State University !            Computer Consultant                !

Try "settimezone". Really!  If you are looking for *anything* on your A/UX
system you should ask "apropos" first.

	# apropos timezone
	  settimezone(1M)          - set the local time zone

It works for me.

BTW, make sure that the local time is set correctly (with the date command) 
before you change the timezone.  Some people adjust the time and *then* notice
that the TZ is wrong. 


.  Paul E. Dumais   A/UX Specialist 	 	Apple Canada, Inc.	     .
.  Internet: dumais at			7495 Birchmount Rd.	     .

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