Problem with running Localtalk on Mac SE/030 and A/UX v1.1.1

Bob Lantz lantz at Apple.COM
Sat Mar 23 11:21:31 AEST 1991


You (dmanning at wrote:

>       I am having problems getting Appletalk installed and running on my 
>machine. At the present time, I am using AU/X v1.1.1 on a Mac SE/030; I 
>plan on purchasing an upgrade kit to v2.0.1 in the future when money is not 
>so tight.

2.0.1 is definitely a worthwhile upgrade. [say, you didn't get 1.1.1 after
March 19th of last year, did you?] 

>        - access an HP DeskJet and Imagewriter using localtalk.

The AppleTalk imagewriter should work; I didn't think that the DeskJet
supported LocalTalk.

>        - use VersTerm Pro 3.5 to conduct TCP/IP transactions on LocalTalk
>          into a Sun SPARC equipped with TOPS and a Cayman GatorBox.
>          Have used telnet and ftp into/from the sun.

This is not currently supported on A/UX.

>Note: There is no ethernet option installed in my SE/030.

If you get an ethernet board, you will be able to use TCP/IP directly on
the ethernet.  Without it, your options are more limited.  You could try
SLIP, however.

[Problems with installation deleted.]

One thing to keep in mind with 1.1.1 is the difference between "appletalk"
support (which requires an AST/Orange Micro board) and "localtalk" support
(which uses the printer port.)  I would check to make sure that you have
installed "localtalk" correctly, and not "appletalk."

Good luck,

>thanks................... dave manning

Bob Lantz
A/UX Team

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