dittman at skitzo.csc.ti.com dittman at skitzo.csc.ti.com
Wed May 29 03:22:12 AEST 1991

In article <3106 at redstar.cs.qmw.ac.uk>, liam at cs.qmw.ac.uk (William Roberts;) writes:
> Lots of Apple people are very helpful about answering messages and problems 
> raised on this newsgroup. Lots more Apple people are fixing the bugs that I 
> (and presumably others) have reported. What is deeply bizarre is that no 
> attempt ever seems to be made to tell us that our bugs have been fixed!

This isn't quite true.  I reported a problem with 2.0.0 and received a
message that the problem was going to be fixed in the next release.  I
found the problem was fixed in 2.0.1.  Granted the problem wasn't a big
one (just a documentation problem), I still got notified, and the problem
was fixed.
Eric Dittman
Texas Instruments - Component Test Facility
dittman at skitzo.csc.ti.com
dittman at skbat.csc.ti.com

Disclaimer:  I don't speak for Texas Instruments or the Component Test
             Facility.  I don't even speak for myself.

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