unicos vi on wide files from sunview

William McKie mckie at amelia.nas.nasa.gov
Sat Mar 3 19:40:08 AEST 1990

We often need to view wide (132 columns) ascii files with vi on a unicos
system, having logged in via telnet or rlogin from a sun-4 sunos 4.0.3
sunview cmdtool shell window.  Before logging into the unicos machine, we
make the sunview window large, e.g. full screen 140 columns.  We set our
TERM environment variable on the unicos machine to sun-cmd, and attempt
to vi a wide file.  The result is a disaster, with text popping up in
strange places, bells ringing, etc.

We use vi on wide files with no trouble locally on the sun in a large
sunview window.  The available sun terminfo entries on the unicos machine
appear to be limited to /usr/lib/terminfo/s/{sun,sun-cmd}, and we've
tried them both unsuccessfully on wide files in big windows.  Using vi
on the unicos machine is successful if the sunview window is small enough,
but then we have wraparound problems on wide files.

Does anyone know how to avoid this problem?  E.g. is there a terminfo
such as "sun-cmd-w" out there somewhere?

-Bill McKie
NASA Ames Research Center
mckie at sky.arc.nasa.gov

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