Determining number of memory banks?

Richard C. Dempsey lrul00 at dixel.Kodak.COM
Sat Mar 17 00:07:50 AEST 1990

In article <950 at> bernhold at (David E. Bernholdt) writes:
>In article <949 at> I wrote:
>>Is there any way in software to determine the number of memory banks
>>on a given machine?

>The target(1) command does what I want -- and provides more than just
>the number of banks.  This command is available in both COS and
>UNICOS, as Peter pointed out.  The manual I have implies that it is
>not available on a -2, but I don't have access to a unicos -2 to check
>it out.

On the Cray-2 at NCSA, the target command works:

u2 1% target
Primary machine type is:  CRAY-2
   banks    = 128
   numcpus  = 4
   ibufsize = 16
   memsize  = 134217728
   memspeed = 35
   clocktim = 4100
   numclstr = 0
   bankbusy = 13
u2 2% 

I didn't look into the target(2) system call.  Presumably it's there if
the command is there.

Rich Dempsey				dempsey at Kodak.COM
Computational Science Laboratory	(716) 477-3457
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, NY 14650-2205

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