Unformatted data transfer..

Subhankar Ray suray at cs.tamu.edu
Wed Oct 17 03:32:58 AEST 1990

Hello Everyone,

Here is a test program, where I was generating a file on YMP, named 
ibm( good for IBM) and then I moved it to IBM (under 
MVS/os) using   binary ftp. But when I was trying to make an 
unformatted read on IBM, it was
giving end of record ( or end of file depending on the recfm and lrecl 
modified by IEBGENER). Am I missing something ?

Subhankar Ray 

**********************************   test program **************************
                      program unformat
                      real a(100)
                      real aibm(100)
                      real cray(100)
                      parameter (length=100)
                   open (unit=10,file='cray',
     1                 form='unformatted')
                   open (unit=11,file='ibm',
     1                 form='unformatted')
c Initializing the array with some known values
                      do 100 i=1,100
                        a(i)= i
 100                  continue
c from cray to ibm conversion ******************
                      iret = cray2ibm(2,length,aibm,0,a,1)
                      if (iret.lt.0) write(*,*)'error'
c from IBM to Cray **********************
                      iret = ibm2cray(2,length,aibm,0,cray,1)
                      if (iret.lt.0) write(*,*)'error'

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