Unformatted data transfer..

Booker bense booker at network.ucsd.edu
Tue Oct 23 01:18:09 AEST 1990

>In article <9171 at helios.TAMU.EDU> suray at cs.tamu.edu (Subhankar Ray) writes:
>>Hello Everyone,
>>Here is a test program, where I was generating a file on YMP, named 
>>ibm( good for IBM) and then I moved it to IBM (under 
>>MVS/os) using   binary ftp. But when I was trying to make an 
>>unformatted read on IBM, it was
>>giving end of record ( or end of file depending on the recfm and lrecl 
>>modified by IEBGENER). Am I missing something ?

Look into using the assign command under unicos. It will allow you to
tell the operating system that the file is to be written in IBM
format. It also supports vax and other formats. It's not the easiest
to figure out, but it's well worth digging into if you are doing lots 
of I/O. It can also speed up your code if you set things up correctly.

-Booker C. Bense
/* benseb at grumpy.sdsc.edu */

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