ISC update

Matthew Thurmaier thurm at
Sat Dec 23 08:31:37 AEST 1989

In article <340 at vidiot.UUCP> brown at vidiot.UUCP (Vidiot) writes:
>[stuff deleted]
>Compared to ELM, to me, every other user mail handler sucks.
>                harvard\     att!nicmad\
>Vidiot            ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
>                rutgers/  decvax!nicmad/
>        ARPA/INTERNET: <, at astroatc:brown at vidiot>

I've never tried ELM - that I know of.  However, have YOU tried the mail
interface on SCO's Office Portfolio.  It's GREAT!  Chose your editor, uses
menus, great stuff.

Snail Mail:                                 E Mail:
Matthew J. Thurmaier                ...decvax!garp!harvard!uwvax!thurm
The Computer Classroom              matt at
6701 Seybold Road, Ste. 122

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