Kludge to run keyb in autoexec.bat only if on console

Tor Lillqvist tml at hemuli.atk.vtt.fi
Fri Sep 22 02:29:35 AEST 1989

We have 386/ix and VP/ix.  One problem was that if you log into the
machine via telnet and start vpix, there is no reason to run keyb in
autoexec.bat, it only mixes things up.  But if you start vpix on the
console you want to run keyb (if you have a non-US keyboard, as we

I just thought of a kludge to accomplish this: In /etc/profile, do:

	LOGTTY=`tty`; export LOGTTY
Create the directories /usr/vpix/test/dev/{console,vt01,vt02}, and
make (empty) files called yes in them.  Now, in autoexec.bat do:

       dosmount t:/usr/vpix/test/$LOGTTY >NUL
       if exist t:yes keyb su 437 c:keyboard.sys

(or whatever keyb command is good for your keyboard.)
Tor Lillqvist
Technical Research Centre of Finland, Computing Services (VTT/ATK)
tml at hemuli.atk.vtt.fi []

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