386/ix V2.0.2 breaks awk
Peter Brouwer
pb at idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl
Thu Sep 28 19:08:02 AEST 1989
In article <1456 at redsox.bsw.com> campbell at redsox.bsw.com (Larry Campbell) writes:
>A few weeks ago, I upgraded my 386/ix system from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2, and one of
>oawk is OK:
>% echo 'foo
>> bar
>> zot' |
>> oawk '
>> ! ( /foo/ || /bar/ ) { printf "%s: no foo or bar here\n", $0 }
>> '
I don't have nawk yet but I have a suggestion:
$0 !~/foo|bar/ { print $0 ": no foo or bar here"}
This works in the old version of awk. Note that its not necessary to
use the printf statement in this case (Its performance expensive statement).
See also Unix SYSTEM V/386 Release 3.2 Programmers guide Vol1 page 4-18
Peter Brouwer, # Philips Telecommunications and Data Systems,
NET : pb at idca.tds.philips.nl # Department SSP-P9000 Building V2,
UUCP : ....!mcvax!philapd!pb # P.O.Box 245, 7300AE Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.
PHONE:ext [+31] [0]55 432523, # Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
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