Install Mouse in alt interrupt for 386/ix
Steven H. Izen
izen at
Wed Sep 6 15:15:52 AEST 1989
In article <8909052244.AA28660 at> Willy Paine says
>I do still want to install Microsoft Inport BUS mouse in any interrupt
>other than 1 - 7 for my 386/xi 2.0.2. I have NO room between interrupt
>1 and 7 but I heard someone is using interrupt 12 for mouse. If you know
>the answer, please include file in /etc/conf/sdevice.d so I can right
>address as well as interrupt number. I would include how to change jumper
>on BUS card (this is important or I would get PANIC error message).
>It works fine with interrupt 3 and 5 but I have to give up for com2
>ports and tape drive and that is why I have no more room between 1 and 7.
The way I made extra interrupts available was by moving the interrupts on my
parallel cards to 11 and 12. This freed up interrupts 5 and 7 to use with
other devices (like a mouse). However, I had to do a hardware patch to the
parallel boards to redirect the interrupt signals.(actually, I had an EE
friend do the rewiring to my specs). I don't believe that most bus mouse cards
are able to generate interrupts on the upper bus with any jumper position. If
you are interested in more details on how I got this working, send email and
I'll go into more detail.
Steve Izen: {sun,uunet}!cwjcc!skybridge!izen386!steve
or steve%izen386.uucp at
or izen at "My second bike is a car."
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