uugetty woes fixed (was: com2 under 386/ix)
Marco S Hyman
marc at dumbcat.UUCP
Fri Sep 8 14:22:39 AEST 1989
In article <103 at dumbcat.UUCP> I wrote:
> Also, I've had problems
> depending upon the order the lines are given. What works (with 386/ix
> 2.0.2) is:
> asy Y 2 7 1 4 3f8 3ff 0 0
> asy Y 2 7 1 3 2f8 2ff 0 0
Conjecture: The first asy is tty00 and the second is tty01. Reverse the
lines and the modem that was on tty00 doesn't respont to commands to tty01.
> Every so often the message
> INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly....
> id: 00 "/usr/lib/uugetty ...
> shows up on the console. I don't know what triggers it yet as it seems to
> show up without any activity on the serial port.
Fixed: I had a second set of lines in /etc/inittab for 00 and 01 (in addtion
to the line I added for the uugetty on ttyd0. (They were added by the 2.0.2
upgrade). Since removing the extra set of init instructions and doing a
kill -1 1 all UUCP problems have gone away. The same port is being used for
both Dial-in and Dial-out without any problems. (But the driver is slow and
you will drop characters at 9600 bps).
It IS possible to run bi-directional ports with uugetty on 386/ix. But it
could have been a lot easier with a few helpful hints in the documentation.
// Marco S. Hyman
// ...!pacbell!dumbcat!marc
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