386/ix v2.0.2 vs. v2.0.1
Steven H. Izen
izen at amelia.nas.nasa.gov
Fri Sep 29 13:52:18 AEST 1989
In article <3248 at amelia.nas.nasa.gov> I wrote:
>In article <2102 at hydra.gatech.EDU> gb7 at prism.gatech.EDU (Joe Bradley) writes:
>>Can someone post what the differences between 386/ix v2.0.2 and
>>v2.0.1 are? Those of us who have v2.0.1 would like to know. What is
>WARNING- There is supposed to be an erratta or addendum sheet that I didn't
>get with my update. I wasted many hours "fixing" things that the upgrade
>blew away during installation:
[List of items 1) - 8) deleted]
9) The /etc/default/tar file was also blown away. I had to update
that to make my tape drive (Archive 60 meg internal) the default
tar device and to set the media limits
>The funniest thing is that I thought I was ordering the X5 config update,
>and when my package arrived, it was the 2.0.2 upgrade! I had been trying
>to get that for a while (I never was able to get thru to the upgrade phone
>number ISC had given me). I'm still waiting on the X5 disk...
Well I finally got the x5 update. ISC had to fax me the docs that go with it.
Get this- they ran out of them!?! For a product that was only released last
thursday (according to Brian of ISC tech support infamy :-) ), one would think
that there would be a few more copies of a thirteen page document available.
After all, the disks were there, why not the documentation?
Anyway, enough flaming on ISC distribution. The tech people seem (at least
on a first nights worth of experimentation) to have done a good job. The
asy ports actually work bidirectionally! And they even support up to 16
of them. What's more, they even tell you how to add com3 and com4, even if
you have to share interrupts.
Incidentally, the docs say that the X5 update will only work with 2.0.2,
not with 2.0.1, so it's a good thing they sent me the upgrade by mistake.
Steve Izen: {sun,uunet}!cwjcc!skybridge!izen386!steve
or steve%izen386.uucp at skybridge.scl.cwru.edu
or izen at cwru.cwru.edu "My second bike is a car."
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