Wildcards don't work on NFS mounted file system
David S. Herron
david at twg.com
Wed Aug 8 12:00:40 AEST 1990
In article <LARRY.90Aug2091559 at focsys.uucp> larry at focsys.uucp (Larry Williamson) writes:
>Is this an Interactive bug? Or is it a bug in the MIPS fileserver?
>Users logged in on a 386/ix system that has mounted a file system from
>a MIPS fileserver cannot use wild cards in any of the directories that
>are on the MIPS file system.
This is a bug .. it works for me *all* *the* *time* ..
>Even emacs file name completion does not work. What a royal pain that
Ah .. hah .. I believe I see the problem. Directory reading doesn't
work over NFS in the time honored (ancient/archaic) tradition of
doing open(2) and read(2). Instead, over NFS, directory objects
can only be read using the readir(2) family of routines.
Your shell probably doesn't do this..
Which explains why WIN/NFS has a replacement /bin/csh ... (I'd never
bothered toddling down the hall to ask that guy why csh was in there..)
I'd've thought emacs would do directory reading the New and Improved way..
<- David Herron, an MMDF weenie, <david at twg.com>
<- Formerly: David Herron -- NonResident E-Mail Hack <david at ms.uky.edu>
<- Sign me up for one "I survived Jaka's Story" T-shirt!
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