Does Microport offer Updates to its users?
rb duc
root at grumbly.UUCP
Fri Aug 24 14:14:04 AEST 1990
wnp at iiasa.AT (wolf paul) writes:
>I have both the 286 (2.4) and 386 (3.0.1e) versions of Microport UNIX,
>and since the resurrection of Microport Systems I have been wondering
>whether they offer an update/upgrade path to System V.4, or even to
>System V.3.2.
>E-Mail to Rex Core, who occasionally posts to c.u.i386, has brought
>no reply.
>Can anyone provide some information?
>If Microport does not provide such an upgrade/update path, are there
>any other vendors of UNIX for the 386 who still have such an offer
>for Microport Users?
Sorry about the mail - we are rearranging some of the systems
at Microport. The UUCP map entry for uport might also be wrong. I have
just sent in an update. The current mail path from uunet is:
I'm sure Rex would have answered your letter had he received it. We're
considering connecting to uunet.
About the upgrade to VR4 from 3.x - from what I've heard AT&T
considers VR4 a new product which needs a new license. I think the
chances for an upgrade path to 3.2 are much better. I wish I could
give you a more definite answer. I will try to post something more
concrete in the next few days. I'll also show Rex your letter.
Which vendors were offering an upgrade path for Microport?
That was decent of them.
Richard Ducoty
- - Richard Ducoty ..uunet!grumbly!root
_] Capitola, California root at
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