Second Lan Card on ISC 2.0.2
Support account
support at
Wed Aug 29 07:00:49 AEST 1990
In article <569 at dptechno.UUCP> dave at dptechno.uucp (Dave Lee) writes:
>I want to install a second WD lan card in ISC 2.0.2 to use as a bridge
>or router for our inhouse networks. I assume I need a seperate interrupt
>io address and shared memory. I can find no reference in the FM about
>how to do this. The sysadm menus give no hints about a second lan card.
The Interactive TCP/IP Version 1.2 docs, shipped w/
the Interactive Unix V2.2 upgrade, includes a new
section titled "Setting Up A Gateway" which covers
this particular issue.
If you do not have this documentation, and have no
plans to upgrade, mail back to this support account
with a mail address or fax number and we'll get it
to you (would love to email it as well, but the only
online copy is in ditroff format - let us know if
that is workable for you).
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