V.4 & Mach Update
Mark McWiggins
mark at intek01.uucp
Sun Aug 5 08:43:03 AEST 1990
Turns out that the first Mt. Xinu person I spoke with was misinformed.
The 386 Mach to be released this fall is source, not binary. (Meaning
you have to have a $100,000 AT&T source license.) He said they may come
out with a binary version later, but are concerned about being able to
do it at the (rather low) price he thinks the market would demand.
The Esix people don't have a release date scheduled for their V.4.
A marketeer lady from SCO called and tried to sell me an Open Desktop,
saying it contained some V.4 features. She didn't know about the
rewritten scheduler and said she would check on it and get back to
me. I can't imagine that they'd already have incorporated anything
too significant from V.4 without making more noise about it, though.
Looks like the Intel version is it, then (O optimisism unbounded). (If
you missed my previous post, a reseller in LA said he'd be selling it
for $995 2-user or $1295 complete with X, NFS, etc.)
Mark McWiggins Integration Technologies, Inc. (Intek)
+1 206 455 9935 DISCLAIMER: I could be wrong ...
1400 112th Ave SE #202 Bellevue WA 98004
uunet!intek01!mark Ask me about C++!
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