wait() & negative values
carroll at m.cs.uiuc.edu
carroll at m.cs.uiuc.edu
Mon Aug 20 07:13:00 AEST 1990
As has been noted by others, Epoch is a little unstable when running
subprocesses under ISC 2.0.2. While part of this was errors on my part, I've
recently tracked at least some of the crashes down to the fact that wait(loc)
sometimes returns negative values in *loc, e.g. 0xFFFFxxyy where xx and yy
are the values you'd normally expect in the bottom 16 bits of the return value.
TFM specifies the contents of the bottom 16 bits of *loc, but says absolutely
nothing about the top 16 bits. The GNU-Emacs process internals assume that
the value is positive, in particular that the type and mark bits are 0
(generally the top 8 bits). A simple fix is to use
w &= 0xFFFF;
immediately after the wait. Is this reasonable? Does Emacs make unwarranted
assumptions about wait(), or is this an ISC bug?
Alan M. Carroll Barbara/Marilyn in '92 :
carroll at cs.uiuc.edu + This time, why not choose the better halves?
Epoch Development Team
CS Grad / U of Ill @ Urbana ...{ucbvax,pur-ee,convex}!cs.uiuc.edu!carroll
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