Multiple tape backups with cpio
Paul De Bra
debra at alice.UUCP
Sat Aug 4 04:31:51 AEST 1990
In article <3465 at rsiatl.UUCP> jgd at rsiatl.UUCP (John G. DeArmond) writes:
>aab at (Andrew A. Burgess) writes:
>>I use SCO UNIX 3.2 and on this system the way this works is that cpio
>>simply counts the bytes and then prompts you for a new tape when the
>>count reaches the tape size (the tape size is explicitly set by parameters
>>to cpio). No end of tape indication from the tape is required.
>Yeah, it's way too complicated. KISS. :-) Cpio is SUPPOSED to detect end
>of file and prompt you for a new tape. Says so right in TFM. At least
>under ISC 2.0.2 and 2.2, it does not work. (experience with 4 systems so
>far in that regard.)
It does work with stock AT&T sVr3.2 and the stock cpio, and the prompt for
a new tape is really based on the system detecting the end of the tape.
You do have to use the -O option for write and -I for read though.
find . -print | cpio -ocB -C131072 -O/dev/rmt/c0s0
does backup everything under . (using a large buffer) and prompts for a new
tape at the end.
find . -print | cpio -ocB -C131072 > /dev/rmt/c0s0
just gives an error when reaching the end of the tape.
(similarly for reading: -I works, stdin redirection does not)
|debra at | uunet!research!debra |
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