Wanted: Good color X11R4 vga server
Michael Ginsberg
mg32+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Aug 23 04:09:25 AEST 1990
I am looking for a decent color X11R4 server to run on 80386 family AT clones
with ISA bus (ie: non-microchannel). I have looked at the ibm/vga tree under
the X11R4 distribution, but this does not seem to be too functional for my
purposes. The target OS is MACH, but I would be interested in good servers
for other i386 unixes for modification/porting to MACH. Any pointers are
--Michael Ginsberg, i386 Mach Group, School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
ARPA: mg32+ at andrew.cmu.edu |Electrocution, n:
BITNET: mg32 at cmccvb | Burning at the stake with
UUCP: ...!harvard!andrew.cmu.edu!mg32+ | all the modern improvements.
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