NFS vs. PC Interface w/ SCO ODT...
wolf paul
wnp at iiasa.AT
Fri Aug 17 20:58:14 AEST 1990
In article <568 at bohra.cpg.oz> als at bohra.cpg.oz (Anthony Shipman) writes:
)An, if not the, advantage of PC-I is the remote printing. It will redirect from
)LPT: to a spooler on the UNIX server. This is very useful for programs that
)don't have the option to print into a file. It requires some fiddling
)with timeouts to get right though.
)Apparently DOS has no way of marking the end of a print job. PC-I has to
)accumulate LPT: output until the application stops sending it for some period
)and then submit the print job. If the timeout goes off in the middle of the
)print job it fails.
)With NFS you would/should probably have a PC/TCP-like product to do remote
)printing with an "lpr" command. The output from a word processor would have to
)be written to a file first.
No doubt there COULD be PC-NFS products out there which do not provide
printer redirection, but SUN's PC-NFS product works just like the
PC-I features you describe above. Up to three remote printers (i.e.
printers known to the UNIX lp spooler) can be mounted on the PC,
as LPT1 thru LPT3. PC-NFS will let you work with a 5 minute timeout,
or else you can configure and use a hotkey to tell the UNIX spooler
when printing is finished. Also, any DOS "exit" call will send the
job off, thus with a program like WP5.1, which intercepts any hotkey,
one can shell out to DOS and exit again, thus sending the job off.
Using a WP macro, one can even check first that printing is indeed
finished (WP print queue empty) before executing the "exit".
Wolf N. Paul, Int. Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schloss Laxenburg, Schlossplatz 1, A - 2361 Laxenburg, Austria, Europe
PHONE: +43-2236-71521-465 FAX: +43-2236-71313 UUCP: uunet!!wnp
INTERNET: at BITNET: tuvie!iiasa!wnp at awiuni01.BITNET
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