Are these ISC X11 problems fixed?
Checkpoint Technologies
ckp at
Fri Aug 31 01:38:27 AEST 1990
In article <1990Aug29.111938.487 at virtech.uucp> cpcahil at virtech.UUCP (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
>In article <21681 at> ckp at grebyn.UUCP (Checkpoint Technologies) writes:
>> o My Caps lock and Num lock appear to have no effect. My meager
>>research (using xev) seems to indicate they're mapped to the right
>Fixed in 1.1. Don't know about the rest of your problems.
That's good to hear.
>Anyway, the big plus for X11r4 is the optimized server which is
>something ISC has already done with X11r3, so there won't be a big advantage
>with going to X11r4.
Are you kidding me? Or is the 1.1 and 1.2 server much faster
than the 1.0 servers? Circle and arc drawing are pretty slow (so I
don't ever do them if I can help it; I never run xeyes because of
this), and if you set your root window to a pixmap of any size other
than 16x16 you get to watch the background repaint for *countable*
*seconds* when you shuffle windows. This I do not call optimized,
especially when I've written some routines like this for an Motorola
6809 which were faster.
If this is better in 1.1 and 1.2, then ignore this diatribe...
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