Mountain Filesafe 4440
Chuck Luciano
chuck at uswat.UUCP
Wed Aug 29 02:45:25 AEST 1990
I inquired about this earlier before receiving my O.S. Now I have received
SCO System V and it claims to support the mountain 4440. I haven't been able
to prove this with my system.
First of all the tape drive is designed to be connected in parallel with
the "B" disk drive. When I spoke to mountain they said SCO supported QIC-40
but not in parallel with the "B" drive, so I tested everything with a
1.44Mb floppy as "A", and the Mountain 4440 as "B".
I ran mkdev tape and told it qic-40 format, and it did the install. I rebuilt
the O.S. AND rebooted. It doesn't access the drive.
Mkdev tape asks for one bit of data that being the drive address, I used all
four choices, rebuilt and rebooted none worked.
I also noted that when I tried address 1 attempting to access the tape
resulted in the drive A light coming on. So I switched the address back to
2 and plugged the B connector into a disk drive and sure enough when I
tried to access the tape the drive B light came on. I have concluded that
this is the correct drive address.
However for some reason when I run the mountain tape software under DOS
(which runs correctly) the chktape command reports the tape drive to be
at address 8 out of 0..ff. I don't know if this is relevant.
Any clues? Anybody got one of these drives on their Unix system? Does it
I also have a problem using a US Robotics internal Sportster 2400 modem.
I can't get it to autoanswer. Also sometimes when it is installed if I
cu to it my console gets screwed up (missing characters) and I have to
I used mkdev serial to install it.
Chuck (I'll never take another system administrator for granted again) Luciano
chuck at
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