Michael Richardson
michael at fts1.uucp
Tue Aug 28 03:15:04 AEST 1990
In article <1990Aug21.183615.8315 at ico.isc.com> rcd at ico.isc.com (Dick Dunn) writes:
>> For a third choice, Intel's OpenNET software...
>> ...Instead a super-root, "//", is created. To access
>> files on a remote system, you access "//sysname/usr/bin..."...
>Ugh! This isn't the first time I've seen this trick, but it's still a bad
>idea. I wish all the clever developers who decided, "Yeah, we can just use
>a double / for that!" had been experienced with UNIX before they inflicted
I much prefer /../sysname/usr/bin. I think this idea first appeared in
edition 8. It prevents introducing new tokens.
I think getwd() (/bin/pwd) breaks for this, but I think that is it.
If getwd() is in a shared library, then no problem fixing it.
:!mcr!: | 'Golf sucks anyway --- give the land to the
Michael Richardson | Indians' --- recent CANACHAT comment.
Play: mcr at julie.UUCP Work: michael at fts1.UUCP Fido: 1:163/109.10 1:163/138
Amiga----^ - Pay attention only to _MY_ opinions. - ^--Amiga--^
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