ranting on serial I/O cards

HIM tron1 at tronsbox.UUCP
Sat Feb 24 18:00:26 AEST 1990

>Author: [Larry Snyder]
>  Date: Fri Feb 23 1990 06:53 
>> >DUMB< serial cards with 16550A's running the PD FASY driver for SYS 5 3.2
>But dumb ports (multple ones) supporting high speed modems put a massive
>load on the primary CPU (don't they?)

Well, with the FIFO's on the 16550A's enabled I havenet noticed MUCH .. of
cource, it is more load that a dedicated CPU card .. but a good solution in
the interim.  

Everything I say is Copr.  1990, except the stuff I stole from someone else
and the stuff I don't want responsibility for.
Kenneth J. Jamieson: Xanadu Enterprises Inc. "Professional Amiga Software"
      UUCP: tron1 at tronsbox.UUCP  BEST PATH ---> uunet!tronsbox!tron1 
      Sysop, Romantic Encounters BBS - (201)759-8450 / (201)759-8568 

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