Prodigy on VPIX?

Vic Rice vlr at dynsim2.uucp
Sun Jul 29 06:24:36 AEST 1990

darryl at lemuria.MV.COM (Darryl Wagoner) writes:

>found out that I was running VP/ix, they stop trying to help.  My
>guess is that they don't want it to work on anything that could
>capture there stuff.
What do you mean by this ? Capture what stuff?

By the way, I have attempted to run prodigy under DOS Merge with
very little success. On occassion, I can run DOS Merge from root with
a nice value of -20 and actually get logged on to Prodigy. But after
about 6-8 commands the Prodigy software heads for the twilight zone.

Oh, well. This single program is forcing me to real DOS once a day
to run it. Otherwise, I wouldn't even need a DOS partition. Everything
else I need seems to run OK under DOS Merge.

Dr. Victor L. Rice
Litwin Process Automation

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