CPIO with remote device support

Mark J. Bailey root at mjbtn.JOBSOFT.COM
Fri Jul 27 10:42:35 AEST 1990


Does anyone know if there is a PD version of cpio (like afio) that
supports remote devices over ethernet like the new GNU Tar does 
(ie, remotename:/dev/erct0).  SCO Unix's cpio has a -O option that
supports output direct to a device instead of to stdout.

My interest here is that I want to be able to backup my SCO Unix
system over the ethernet between it and my other unix box using 
something like cpio that will allow me to span volumes.  If that
can already be done with existing cpio and rcmd constructs, I would
love to hear about them.

Also, I have heard about a product called ctar which is a i386 tar
implementation that supports compression.  Anyone have any comments
on this package?

Thanks in advance.


Mark J. Bailey, N4XHX                   "We do our JOB, so you can do yours!"
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