GNU & akcl under I386

Jerry D. Pierce jdp at PacBell.COM
Tue Mar 6 11:48:57 AEST 1990

In article <351 at venice.SEDD.TRW.COM> verket at (Paul Verket) writes:
>How well/easily does GNU software compile under ISC 386? Has anyone had the
>oppertunity/interest in compiling kcl or akcl ([Austin] Kyoto Common Lisp)
>under ISC 386?
>I've only tried (on 386 machines) to compile GNU gcc on Xenix 386... what a
>disaster! akcl required gcc so I was completely out of luck.

I didn't have any problems getting gcc 1.36 (the latest source I can
find around here) to compile and run on my Interactive 2.0.2 system.

I don't recall having to do any special gyrations to get gcc to compile,
but have heard from others that trying to get it to work under Xenix was
a major problem...

   Jerry Pierce

 "Ah, that would be the fate WORSE than the fate worse than death.
  That must be pretty bad." - BlackAdder IV

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