SNA on 386 Intr

Bill Kuykendall wek at point.UUCP
Tue May 8 23:00:05 AEST 1990

>Anybody have any recommendations for doing SNA
>with Interactive Unix?  I'd particularly
>like to be able to bet LU6.2 comliance...

Mitek makes a TCP/IP<>SNA gateway that looks like a telnet host.  The main 
advantage of this type of gateway is that everything that can speak TCP/IP, 
including Macintoshes and PCs, can access the SNA hosts identically, with 
the same keyboard mapping as well.

The only problems I've had with it seem to have been related to the use 
of 3Com 3C505 intelligent adapters in some of the pc's that access the 
gateway.  A trace revealed that the 505 cards were not responding correctly, 
causing the Mitek to hang.  The Mitek software ought to be robust enough 
to keep the box from failing.  The next release will be, I'm sure.

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